Talented Rider Identification Program
University of Queensland, St. Lucia
Monday 13th – Wednesday 15th December 2021
The 2021 Talented Rider Identification Program (TRIP) is an opportunity for Motorcycling Queensland (MQ) to facilitate a live-in style camp that provides our up and coming elite riders aged 16 – 20 years, with exposure to programs and information which it is hoped will assist them in fulfilling their potential.
This Program is an opportunity to recognise and nurture Queensland’s elite young riders irrespective of their chosen discipline.
The Program will be held at the internationally renowned University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Kings College campus. More information regarding University of Queensland ‘Sport Facilities & Services’ is available from their website located at http://www.uqsport.com.au
The 3-day Program focuses exclusively on off-the-bike skills, and covers such topics as Nutrition, Sports Psychology, Strength & Conditioning, individual Athlete Assessments, developing & maintaining Training Programs, Media and Communication skills, and much more.
Riders & Eligibility
The TRIP will cater for a maximum of 16 riders aged 16 – 20 years (at the time of the Camp).
Nominations to attend this Camp will be accepted from any Queensland licenced rider from any riding discipline. The type of rider, however, for whom this Camp is primarily aimed at, and who will consequently be selected, is any rider who can show that they have the potential and desire to go ‘all the way’.
Motorcycling Queensland encourages female riders to nominate to attend the Camp as we have allocated 2 positions for females at a minimum. Where female riders are selected to attend the Camp, an appropriately qualified ‘Female Chaperone’ will be sourced to act as a mentor / guardian for the female riders in attendance at the Camp.
Coaches / Facilitators:
The TRIP is facilitated by MQ, and will be presented by Rodney Jenner (Level 2 Coach, and Presenter of the Motorcycling Australia Level 1 and Level 2 Coaching Courses) and Jemma Wilson (Level 2 Coach). Jemma will also fill the role of ‘Female Chaperone’ for any female riders who are selected to attend.
All MQ Presenters are compliant with the Children Commission & Young People & Child Guardian – Blue Card procedure.
The 3-day Program also utilises expert lecturers from particular fields, as well as other special guests.
The Camp:
Each day will be structured around athletic testing and lectures on key topics. Leisure time will also be incorporated into the program, along with cross-training exercises. Full course programs will be distributed to successful applicants with letters of acceptance.
There is a one-off nominal fee of $550 for any applicant accepted into attending the 2021 Motorcycling Queensland Talented Rider Identification Program.
Please do not send this fee with your application. Successful riders will be sent an ‘Acceptance Pack’ which will include an invoice for the $550. Once successful riders have been invoiced, payment must be received within 7 days of the date of that invoice.
The $550 nomination fee will cover all costs, including return airfares (for attendees living more than 300kms from Brisbane), accommodation, food, airport transfers, all course resources and presentations, camp excursions, etc.
Riders who live within a 300km radius of the University of Queensland, St. Lucia campus will be expected to make their own way to and from the venue. Onsite, secure parking is available to those that drive themselves to the Camp.