The Rockhampton and District Motocross Club in consultation with Motorcycling Australia, due to COVID-19 pandemic impacting Australia, have made the tough decision to postpone the 2021 KTM Australian Junior Motocross Championships (AJMX).
The Rockhampton and District Motocross Club have put in significant work in recent months to ensure the Championship could go ahead, however with current State Government border restrictions and lockdowns across the nation it is not currently possible to hold the Championships which were to be held at Rockhampton, September 28-October 2.
The event sees the best junior racers from across the country attend the five-day Championships, but the safety of competitors, families, teams, and officials are paramount.
The Rockhampton and District Motocross Club thank riders, families, and event sponsors for their understanding at this difficult time.
The Rockhampton and District Motocross Club will continue to monitor and evaluate the evolving State border restrictions in an attempt to reschedule the Championship with an announcement to follow in the coming weeks.